Assume a system with two distinct GPUs, but from the same vendor so they can be accessed from a single OpenCL Platform. Given the following simplified OpenCL code:
float* someRawData;
cl_device_id gpu1 = clGetDeviceIDs(0,...);
cl_device_id gpu2 = clGetDeviceIDs(1,...);
cl_context ctx = clCreateContext(gpu1,gpu2,...);
cl_command_queue queue1 = clCreateCommandQueue(ctx,gpu1,...);
cl_command_queue queue2 = clCreateCommandQueue(ctx,gpu2,...);
cl_mem gpuMem = clCreateBuffer(ctx, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ...);
At the end of the execution, will someRawData
be on both GPU in-memory or will it be only on gpu1