
I am trying to retrieve the value of Key from a table with a simple select statement in SSIS through Execute SQL Task. But have no luck figuring out this error.

I have used one input variable with string data type and used this variable in parameter mapping in Execute SQL Task.

Executing the query "SELECT cast([Key] as Int) FROM Table where column = ?" failed with the following error: "An error occurred while extracting the result into a variable of type (DBTYPE_I4)". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Note : Datatype for Key column is tinyint


3 Answers


This message occurs when the default datatype for the parameters remains as 'LONG' instead of whatever is necessary... In your case, this should be 'BYTE'

parameter mapping


Tinyint is not i4, it's DT_UI1. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345165.aspx

If you change your SSIS type to byte then you should be able to assign the results of your query to the value.

Variable User::input  Data Type Byte  Value 2
Variable User::output Data Type Byte  Value 0

Source query SELECT CAST(1 AS tinyint) AS [key], ? AS foo

Execute SQL Task, OLE DB CM, single row result set Parameter mapping tab

  • Variable Name: User::input
  • Data Type: Byte
  • Parameter name: 0

Result of column 1 mapped to User::output

Inspect value after Execute SQL Task and result is 2 (expected)


Write the query like -> SELECT cast([Key] as Int) as Key FROM Table where column = ?