
Working with Reporting Services 2008 r2.

So here's my issue:

We have 5 reports that need to be combined into an "All Reports" report, which was originally done using VB6.

I created a master report with 5 subreports, and of course, it doesn't work.

I need to get certain reports to render as landscape, and others as portrait. Also, I want to get the headers and footers from each of the subreports.

I know that SSRS doesn't support either of these, but is there a way to "pre-render" the subreports as PDF, and then combine them into one PDF via reporting services?

+1 interesting question. AFAIK this can't be done with just SSRS, I think something like this will be your best bet for merging PDF's. Hoping someone else can show us otherwise though.Jeroen
Looks like this is the only way. Though I might have to do this in VB6.Christian
VB6? Oi oi, "released 21 years ago". You could try implementing IRenderingExtension and do things in VB.NET or C#...Jeroen

1 Answers


This cannot be done out of the box. The only way you're going to accomplish this is through custom code. There are tools out there that you can build/buy to merge your PDFs into a single document. I can't comment on which tool is the best approach, but I can tell you custom code is the only approach.