
In xaml, I have a listbox with a grid in it with 1 row and 2 columns. In the first column I have a name, and in the second column I have another listbox...I have the first listbox bound to an observable collection of Enclosure items. In the Enclosure class, I have another observablecollection of Servers (another class). I am trying to bind this to a listbox as well. The EnclosureID is working and updating properly as I add items to the observable collection. However, I am not so sure how to get the Slist to bind to the listbox I have within my other listbox. Anyone have any ideas? Is there another approach I can use?

    public class Enclosure
        private string enclosureID; //bound to the first listbox

        //I want to bind this below to the second listbox
        //There is another class called Server with various properties
        public ObservableCollection<Server> Slist = new ObservableCollection<Server>();

        public string EnclosureID
            get { return enclosureID; }
            set { enclosureID = value; }

In xaml:

    <ListBox x:Name="lb1" ItemsSource="{Binding}" DataContext="{Binding}" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled">




                    <TextBlock x:Name="txtEnclosure" Text="{Binding Path=EnclosureID}" Background="Aqua" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" />
                    <ListBox x:Name="lbserver" ItemsSource="{Binding Slist}"  ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0">

                                <TextBlock x:Name="txtServer" Text="{Binding Path=HostnameID}" Background="Beige"/>

To populate lists I use this method:

            //Query the database for enclosures and populate the Enclosure observable collection in the Settings class
    public void GetEnclosures()
        bool exception = false;
        Enclosure enclosure = new Enclosure();
        Server server = new Server();
        server.HostnameID = "HEY";

        OleDbCommand GetEnclosuresCommand = new OleDbCommand(Settings.GetEnclosuresQuery, Settings.conn);

            Settings.myReader = GetEnclosuresCommand.ExecuteReader();//begin reading
            MessageBox.Show("The Enclosure table is currently being used by another application. Please close the table and run this application again.");
            exception = true;

        if (!exception)
            // while there are enteries to retrieve
            while (Settings.myReader.Read())
                enclosure.EnclosureID = Settings.myReader.GetString(0);
                enclosure = new Enclosure();
                server = new Server();
                server.HostnameID = "HI";

            // Close when done reading.

            // Close the connection.
            this.NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("MainPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative));

I think i have an idea what is going wrong, but can you also post the code that calls GetEnclosures and sets the DataContext of the UI?Kevin DiTraglia
Actually I think I know the problem, change Slist to be a property, just add a getter and setter, otherwise it can't be bound to the UIKevin DiTraglia

1 Answers


Could be wrong, but isn't as as simple as...

  ItemsSource="{Binding Slist}">

Also change this

public ObservableCollection<Server> Slist = new ObservableCollection<Server>();

to say

public ObservableCollection<Server> Slist { get; set; }
Slist = new ObservableCollection<Server>();