
I have a web-application deployed in Websphere AS 8.0(Host A) using spring-jms client accessing queues in WMQ 7.0 in remote machine(Host B). I have configured WMQ ConnectionFactory and WMQ Queues in JNDI using JMS Provider under Resources link with WMQ as Messaging Provider as per the instructions in WAS 8 administration guide. I have also tested it using Test Connection button. It works fine. I have configured JNDI template and QueueConnectionFactory and Queue(Destination), DestinationResolver and JMSTemplate as per Spring JMS configuration.

However when I try to run my server and access WMQ through JNDI it throws the following exception:

exception message JMSCC0085: A destination was not specified.; nested exception is **com.ibm.msg.client.jms.DetailedInvalidDestinationException**: JMSCC0085: A destination was not specified. with params [B@775e20e, 1c02f7440b8438e5]
org.springframework.jms.InvalidDestinationException:JMSCC0085:**A destination was not specified**.; nested exception is com.ibm.msg.client.jms.DetailedInvalidDestinationException:**JMSCC0085:A destination was not specified.**
at org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate.execute(JmsTemplate.java:469)
at org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate.send(JmsTemplate.java:534)
at org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate.send(JmsTemplate.java:526)

I tried to print my default destination name and it printed as queue://QM_MGR/Q1, where QM_MGR is name of queue manager and Q1 is name of queue in WMQ.

Please note that I have not configured any JNDI in WMQ, have not configured any InitialContextFactory and Provider URL in JNDI template and resource-ref in web.xml.

I had tried all the above and failed. So I had removed the above mentioned configurations.

Can any one help me by pointing out why I am getting this exception, what I am missing or detail out the steps to avoid this exception?. Thanks in advance.

Please help me as I have been breaking my head for past 4 days.ZAK

2 Answers


Although you have defined the connection factory and destinations in your JNDI, you have to define the MQ counterparts. For example an MQ queue manager by name QM_MGR must be created along with a SVRCONN channel and a listener running at a port, say 1414. Also a queue with name Q1 must be created on that queue manager.

Please check if you have done the above.


I have fixed this issue. It was the JNDI namespace that caused the error. Thanks all.