
I've been playing with the demo of TeeChart for Android (Mono) for a while, but I have been unable to get the Pie charts to display. Everytime I run the demo with a pie chart I see a screen with no pie chart, but the legend contains a valid list of the points added.

Do pie charts not work with the beta?


1 Answers


There are a few options here:

  1. You have marks visible and they don't leave room for the pie circle/ellipse to be painted. Try disabling them:

    pie1.Marks.Visible = false;

  2. Your device/emulator screen is small or normal, see Supporting Multiple Screens, and ZoomStyles.InChart is not supported in smaller screens. You could try setting up an emulator with large screen to experiment with that. You could also try setting Zoom.Style to FullChart:

    tChart1.Zoom.Style = Steema.TeeChart.ZoomStyles.FullChart;

  3. Does the Pie2D.cs example in MonodroidTabDemo shipped with the beta package work for you? If so, you could use that example as a guide for your Pie charts.

If the problem persists we would need more detailed information about the device or emulator you are using and a simple code snippet we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem. You can send us files via http://www.steema.net/upload/.