
I am using doxygen and have the following code:

def __init__(self):

    if not '_ready' in dir(self) or not self._ready:
        self._stream = sys.stderr   ##!< stream to which all output is written
        self._ready = True          ##!< @internal Flag to check initialization of singelton

For some reason doxygen tells me that self._stream (Member _stream) is undocumented. can I document it with a comment, like the doxygen docu describes in Putting documentation after members and if so, whats the right way?

**edit:**this seems to be related to me having no new line, for example here:

class escapeMode(object):
    Enum to represent the escape mode.
    ALWAYS      = 1     ##!< Escape all values
    NECESSARY   = 2     ##!< Escape only values containing seperators or starting with quotation

Doxygen only complains about ALWAYS being undocumented, I would like to avoid inserting newlines behind every new attribute I document this way since it destroys the value of newlines for separating logical blocks like loops or if statements from surrounding code

I would suggest to use Sphinx for documentation of Python projects in generalbmu
unfortunately that is currently not an option, i will give it a look for the next projectted
maybe it was a spell-check tool that complained about ALLWAYS ;)Janusz Lenar

1 Answers


This is currently not supported in doxygen, as previously answered here. If you put the comment on the preceeding line it will work fine:

class escapeMode(object):
    Enum to represent the escape mode.
    ## Escape all values
    ALLWAYS     = 1
    ## Escape only values containing seperators or starting with quotation
    NECESSARY   = 2

Hope that's not too late...