first off I'd like to point out that I'm a bit new at this and thus hope this post will be understandable.
rails (2.3.11
nokogiri (1.5.4)
cucumber (1.1.9)
capybara (1.1.2)
copybara-webkit (0.12.1)
Right now I'm doing a project were I'm trying to use cucumber for integration testing of a rails web application. Since the web-application relies heavily on javascript and ajax I want to use a capybara driver that can handle this. (I just realized :rake_test does not) But I don't want to have a browser window pop up all the time as that will take time. So I opted on capybara-webkit. But now that I changed driver, by setting the javascript driver for capybara in my env.rb, I keep getting a annoying error all the time:
undefined method `invalid_element_errors' for #<Capybara::Driver::Webkit:0x9c50bf8> (NoMethodError)
My code at that line:
>> 35 select("something", :from => find("select[class='class_name']")[:id])
>> 36 click_link('javascript_link')
>> 37 click_link('another_javascript_link')
I'm using a find in line 35 since the id is dynamic. Now it seems like the problem is actually the find method since if I add another find with known id above this point I'm getting the same error thrown on me on that line instead.
How do I get rid of this problem so I can use capybara-webkit? I've heard somewhere that this is a problem in the actual driver and that a fix is available at the github masterbranch and that you somehow can link your gem there? If so can anybody explain how to do it?