
I am using primefaces calendar but i am allowed to enter invalid date.For e.g. enter date as 32-06-2012 in the input box for date field and save the record. It is saving the date as is saving the date as 02-07-2012. Same behavior can be observed in showcase of primefaces also.

Reference : http://www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/calendarBasic.jsf

Here is my code

<p:calendar id="copyStartDateCalendar" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy"

         mode="popup" showOn="button" size='8' >

                <f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/yyyy" />


What should be done as there seems to be some error with the component itself.

Thanks & Regards

Tarun Madaan


3 Answers


I had similar problems with the primefaces calendar.

For one it accepts dates with two digits though a pattern of pattern="dd.MM.yyyy" is set. Like 20.06.12 will be shown in the calendar popup as 20.06.2012 misleading the user to think the date was correctly recognized. But the year 12 is actually set.

Anyways, I ended up setting a <f:validator> inside the <p:calendar> like this:

<p:calendar value="#{abschnittDView.bogen.pruefungsDatum}
    mode="popup" locale="de" pattern="dd.MM.yyyy" required="true"
    requiredMessage="Please provide a date."
    converterMessage="Date is invalid.">

    <f:convertDateTime type="date" pattern="dd.MM.yyyy" 
        timeZone="Europe/Berlin" locale="de" />

    <f:validator validatorId="de.common.DateValidator" />


Then doing some validation on the given date:

public class DateValidator implements Validator {

    public static final String VALIDATOR_ID = "de.common.DateValidator";

    public void validate(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent component, 
        Object value) throws ValidatorException {

        Date inputDate = (Date) value;
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        if (cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) < 1000) {
            throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Please provide a date with 4 digits for the year", null));

I know this prevents dates below 1000 but in my case it is absolutely clear that the date can not be lower then 2000.

So the suggestion is: Use a Validator to make sure the dates are correct. I know it is not the perfect solution but maybe a possible workaround.

Otherwise, try to ask for this on the primefaces forum.


Try to use readonly="true" at such case you don't need to use any server side validators. This option will allow to the end user only to pick up the date from calendar panel.


Your pattern and f:convertDateTime have different patterns?

It's likely not able to figure out what you want in your converter as entering in data as dd/mm/yyyy - then your converter tries to convert that to MM/yyyy.

The issue you describe is because leniency is set to true in the simple date formatter in side primfaces (its a default action). To force is you then use your convertDatetime which should fix it but your patterns may not match it seems.

However, if using a verison of PF < 4 you'll then get java script issues as there is a bug in p:calendar converters returning null objects after validation - you can do some manual fixes for this inside the PF code after rebuilding it.