
I've got a backbone model that I'm trying to destroy, but no params are being sent with the request, so the server is returning a 'Delete 404 not found' error.

I'll admit my structure is a bit strange as I'm creating/destroying the items based on if they are in a list already or not.

var list_item = new MyApp.Models.ListItem({item_id: this.model.id, group_id: this.model.group_id});


            list_item.save(list_item, { 
                success: function(response){
                     this.model.attributes.addedtolist_id = response.id
                error: function(){
                     alert('could not save item');
    } else if($(e.currentTarget).hasClass('remove')) {
         list_item.attributes.id = this.model.addedtolist_id;
             success: function(){
             error: function(){
               alert('could not uncheck');

the console output for list_item before destroy is

_escapedAttributes: Object
_previousAttributes: Object
_setting: false
attributes: Object
 id: 2
 item_id: 66
 group_id: 64
__proto__: Object
cid: "c23"
id: 2
__proto__: q

but when I look at the headers sent with the delete request, I don't have any params being sent.

-----------------------update params being sent, 404 still being returned --------------

as per Yaroslav's recommendation, I've added a 'header' to the destroy method, but my rails controller is still returning a DELETE 404 not found error. I'm just trying to return the listitem to make sure i'm getting the right one before I destroy it.

My controller is

 def destroy
   listitem = Listitem.find(params[:id])
   return render :json => listitem
@muistooshort I've updated the formatting and added the missing brace. hopefully that's better.pedalpete
Where does it get its id? I don't see it in the new ListItem. And what does the URL look like for the DELETE request?mu is too short
It doesn't have an id in the new ListItem because that is when the listitem is being created, so it doesn't have an id yet. That is why I create the id before the destroy. The url is DELETE 404 (Not Found). I use the same url for index and create methods, which work no problem.pedalpete
And who builds that URL? Do you have url or urlRoot in ListItem?mu is too short
@muistooshort, the url is defined in my backbone ListItem model, and therefore it is the same url as used on both the fetch and save which work fine.pedalpete

3 Answers


I'd guess that you're setting the url in the model to a string:

    url: '/list_items',

That will tell Backbone to use exactly /list_items as the URL for all actions. You should use a function:

url: function() { return '/list_items/' + encodeURIComponent(this.id) }

or use a string with urlRoot and let the default url function add the id:

urlRoot: '/list_items'

What params are you expecting to be sent? Destroy makes just a http delete request by the url without body or any additional headers by default. The params argument is pased to the jquery ajax function, so you can specify headers there:

    headers : {
        your_header : 123
list_item.destroy( **l** {
  success: function(){
}, ... );

Is that extra number one the problem?