
I'm using Delphi XE2 and Indy I have an instance of TIdHttp and I need to add a custom header to the request. The header value has commas in it so it's getting parsed automatically into multiple headers. I don't want it to do that. I need the header value for my custom header to still be one string and not split based on a comma delimiter.

I have tried setting IdHttp1.Request.CustomHeaders.Delimiter := ';' with no success. Is there a way to make sure the header doesn't get split up?

procedure SendRequest;
const HeaderStr = 'URL-Encoded-API-Key VQ0_RV,ntmcOg/G3oA==,2012-06-13 16:25:19';
  IdHttp1.Request.CustomHeaders.AddValue('Authorization', HeaderStr);
IIRC you can do: IdHttp1.Request.CustomHeaders.Value['Authorization'] := HeaderStr; and so on for all "custom headers", don't forget about SSL!user497849
Whether you use AddValue() or Value[], the string ultimately ends up in TIdHeaderList.FoldAndInsert(), which is where the string gets parsed, split into pieces, and added to the list.Remy Lebeau

1 Answers


I am not able to reproduce this issue using the latest Indy 10.5.8 SVN snapshot. The string you have shown gets assigned as a single line for me.

With that said, by default the TIdHeaderList.FoldLines property is set to True, and lines get folded on whitespace and comma characters, so that would explain why your string is getting split. Near as I can tell, there have not been any logic changes made to the folding algorithm between your version of Indy and the latest version in SVN.