I'm using Delphi XE2 and Indy I have an instance of TIdHttp and I need to add a custom header to the request. The header value has commas in it so it's getting parsed automatically into multiple headers. I don't want it to do that. I need the header value for my custom header to still be one string and not split based on a comma delimiter.
I have tried setting IdHttp1.Request.CustomHeaders.Delimiter := ';'
with no success. Is there a way to make sure the header doesn't get split up?
procedure SendRequest;
const HeaderStr = 'URL-Encoded-API-Key VQ0_RV,ntmcOg/G3oA==,2012-06-13 16:25:19';
IdHttp1.Request.CustomHeaders.AddValue('Authorization', HeaderStr);
, the string ultimately ends up inTIdHeaderList.FoldAndInsert()
, which is where the string gets parsed, split into pieces, and added to the list. – Remy Lebeau