Anyone knows a good way to use http live streaming tools on non-Mac platforms? Can you tell me at least if there's good alternatives? I need mediafilesegmenter and mediastreamvalidator.
Or maybe anyone has a source code or something like that...
UPD: I've tried different segmenters, most of them are based on Carson's open-sourced segmenter. Now the difference between Apple's mediafilesegmenter and this one, that it takes only a transport stream, not just any video. And I need to segment h264 videos. When I use ffmpeg to convert h26s to mpeg-ts I'm getting much bigger files in the end. Even if I try to preserve same audio codec (aac) it changes video codec form avc to mpeg-ts.
Damn I hate Apple. How can they propose that thing as a standard if they don't even provide workarounds for another platforms.
I still need to find a way to segment h264 videos, and keep in the segmented files avc and aac codecs.