
I have the following code, i can see images in the ui:repeat part but when i click on the image the command link and setPropertyActionListener works fine but the image does not get displayed in the required panel grid.

<p:layoutUnit id="centre" position="center"  >
    <h:panelGrid id="test" columns="2" cellpadding="2" >
            <div id="imageWrap" style="width:600px; height:400px; margin:auto; overflow:scroll; position:relative;">
                <p:graphicImage id="prodImage" value="#{imageController.image}" alt="unable to load image #{imageController.imageID}" />

<p:layoutUnit id="left" position="west" >
    <h:panelGrid  id="panelGrid3" columns="2" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
        <ui:repeat id="repeat5" value="#{getData.imageThumbnail1}" var="imagesLst" varStatus="loop">
                <p:commandLink update=":form:tabView:test" >
                    <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{imageController.imageID}" value="#{imagesLst.imageID}" />
                    <p:graphicImage id="gi5" value="#{imagesStreamer.image}" alt="image not available" >
                        <f:param name="id" value="#{imagesLst.imageID}" />

the supporting bean

public class imageController implements Serializable {

    private String imageID;
    private StreamedContent sc;

    /** Creates a new instance of imageController */
    public imageController() {

    public void setImageID(String imageID) {
        this.imageID = imageID;
        System.out.println("ImageController set == "+ this.imageID);

    public String getImageID(){
        return imageID;

    public StreamedContent getImage() {
        System.out.println("ImageController get == "+ this.imageID);
        if (imageID != null) {
            ByteArrayInputStream image = GetData.findImages(imageID);
            System.out.println("Passing Default Streamed Content");
            return new DefaultStreamedContent(image);
        return sc;


The "unable to load image #{imageController.imageID}" is displayed with the selected image id but i cannot see the image in the graphic panel. In the log also i don't see any error message, it returns the streamedcontent.


<p:layoutUnit id="centre" position="center"  >
    <h:panelGrid id="test" columns="2" cellpadding="2" >
            <div id="imageWrapper" style="width:600px; height:400px; margin:auto; overflow:scroll; position:relative;">
                <p:graphicImage id="Img1" value="#{imagesStreamer.image}" alt="image id to be displayed #{imagesLst.imageID}" >
                    <f:param name="id5" value="#{imagesLst.imageID}" />

<p:layoutUnit id="right" position="east" >
    <h:panelGrid  id="panelGrid3" columns="2" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
        <ui:repeat id="repeat5" value="#{getData.imageThumbnail1}" var="imagesLst" varStatus="loop">
                <p:commandLink id="cl5" update=":form:tabView:test">
                    <p:graphicImage id="gi5" value="#{imagesStreamer.image}" alt="image not available3" >
                        <f:param name="id5" value="#{imagesLst.imageID}" />

1 Answers



<p:graphicImage id="prodImage" value="#{imageController.image}" alt="unable to load image #{imageController.imageID}" />


<p:graphicImage id="prodImage" value="#{imagesStreamer.image}" alt="unable to load image #{imageController.imageID}">
    <f:param name="id" value="#{imageController.imageID}" />

and remove that ImageController#getImage() method. Keep using the ImageStreamer for all dynamic images (assuming that you used the one as provided in one of your previous questions).