
I create multilingual flatpages. i want to translate the content according to the language which i select. i refer this code Django i18n setlang view gives Error 404 When i select the language the post method is call i18n/setlang & again comes into same page, but the content is not change. Can anybody help me to solve this problem?



gettext = lambda s: s

    ('en', gettext('English'),),
    ('no', gettext('Norwegian'),),




{% load i18n %}
 <form action="/i18n/setlang/" method="post">
  {% csrf_token %}
   <input name="next" type="hidden" value="{{ redirect_to }}" />
   <select name="language">
      {% get_language_info_list for LANGUAGES as languages %}
      {% for language in languages %}
       <option value="{{ language.code }}">{{ language.name }} ({{ language.code }})</option>
      {% endfor %}
 <input type="submit" value="Go" />

 def index(request):
    return render_to_response('flatpages/index.html', locals(),   context_instance=RequestContext(request))

 {% block content %}
 {% load i18n %}
     <h1>{{ flatpage.title }}</h1>
     Language Code:{{ LANGUAGE_CODE}}<br>
     {% trans "Hello" %}<br>
     {% trans "Home" %}<br>
     {{ flatpage.content }}
 {% endblock content %}

In above code i use the
url (r'^i18n/', include('django.conf.urls.i18n')),
This means when form is submitted it call the method set_language from django's i18n.py file.

I check that method, in that method "check_for_language(lang_code) returns false"
that why the session variable not set.

Can anybody please tell me why this not set?
There will any changes in setting to set path of locale.
I created locale folder in my project folder.

Have you followed the django documentation and setup the appropriate Locale middleware? In other words, post your relevant settings, form and view pleaseHedde van der Heide
Thanks for the reply. I add the code which i use for language translation. Can you please refer & tell me what should i done wrong?Meenakshi
In view i just render the default flatpage template file.Meenakshi
I didn't understand how should i accept the post i18n/setlang response in view?Meenakshi
If you know any data regarding this can you please tell me?Meenakshi

1 Answers


404 means you're calling for a page that doesn't exist. By your comments I understand you don't have an endpoint at /i18n/lang/.


from django.views.i18n import set_language

url('^i18n/setlang/$', set_language)

However if you want some custom behaviour so have a look at set_language and create your own implementation