
I have obtained a certificate by a trusted authority (have been given a .pfx file).

I signed all my .jar files with jarsigner like this:

jarsigner -storetype pkcs12 -keystore my_pfx_file.pfx -storepass my_store_pwd -signedjar Smy_jar.jar my_jar.jar

Then I exported the certificate from the keystore to create a .cer file.

What else do I have to do so that I don't get the message from "Unknown Publisher" and instead has the Company name?

Applets can be terribly prone to cache, and JWS can cache launch files and digital certificates. Before you try anything else, create an entirely new applet (& launch file for it), sign the applet using the certificate & test it in the browser.Andrew Thompson
"I figured it out" Congratulations! :) Please put your comments into an answer and accept it.Andrew Thompson

1 Answers


I figured it out. It was a problem with the .pfx file. I could see the certificate chain in the mmc console, but when I used:
keytool -list -storetype pkcs12 -keystore my_pfx_file.pfx,
I saw the certificate chain length was 1.
So I exported the certificate from the mmc console. Only this time, I check the box that says "Include all certificates in the certification path if possible". I got a new .pfx file with which I signed my jars and it works perfectly.
This post helped me a lot to figure out what was going on: How to sign java applet with .pfx file?