

I have a long script that I have condensed to the following lines of code to illustrate the issue I am having. I have tried some suggestion by StackOverflow users to no avail, so hopefully your feedback will help me and future users. NOTE: this code works, except for setting the pdfREP nested variable.

SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
set pdfREP=false

for /f "tokens=1" %%a in ('dir /o /b \\path2document\*.rp?') do (
    findstr "," \\path2log\%%a > 1.log
    if not errorlevel 0 (
        :: do something
    if errorlevel 0 (
        findstr /B /I "p" \\path2document\%%a > 1.log
        if errorlevel == 0 (
            set pdfREP=true
            echo RSP File: %%a >> 2.log 
        echo the value of pdfREP is !pdfREP!

Basically the issue is that in \path2document I have multiple files, and within each I look for a comma. If no comma is found then I want to know if there is a particular letter inside the file's text. If the text is found, the I am setting a previously defined variable to TRUE, instead of FALSE. However, the "if errorlevel == 0" can be true if different syntax (%errorlevel%==0,%errorlevel% EQU 0), and it will NOT set the variable pdfREP to TRUE. If the issue is that the variable is not set until after the loop iteration, then how can I use this variable in the rest of my code? I would like to use this variable later on, so setting it is most important. Thanks for any feedback.

RESOLUTION: The variable I was setting was not displaying it current value because I was using delayed expansion and it confused me not to see the value, so it became an issue that wasn't. Since I was using the variable value within the loop, I needed to access the current value of the variable with ! around the variable name, rather than %.


2 Answers


Windows batch has an "interesting" way of handling nested variables. This article might help.

Personally, when my batch files get this complex, I switch to a different language. My first choice is generally Python, but if you'd like to stay inside the Microsoft ecosystem, then vbscript or PowerShell would work.


You are misusing the IF command and the errorlevel value.

IF command description indicate that you may directly use in the condition the ERRORLEVEL word followed by a number indicating a given errorlevel. This way, the following two IF commands are right:

if not errorlevel 0 (
    :: do something
if errorlevel 0 (

However, the following command is bad written:

if errorlevel == 0 (

In this case, you must use !errorlevel! to indicate to take the current errorlevel value after executing the last line:

if !errorlevel! == 0 (

Independently of the above said, this is the way that I would do that:

if not errorlevel 0 (
    echo The errorlevel is less than zero 
) else if errorlevel 0 (
    echo The errorlevel is greater than zero
) else (
    echo The errorlevel is zero