
Recently, we have migrated a business application database to Amazon AWS SQL Server RDS. We have loved the flexibility of backup and scaling with the cloudified database, but we have need for writing reports for our gathered analytics data. Our in house data analyst is most comfortable using SQL Reporting Services. Normally, this is installed as a component with the SQL Server install, but we obviously do not have that option on RDS.

My question is, has anyone been able to successfully deploy and use SQL Reporting services with Amazon RDS?

What I have tried:

I attempted to spin up another EC2 instance, install "SQL Server Express with Advanced Services", and point SSRS to RDS, but it said that I had incompatible license types.

I plan on contacting the AWS team directly for this as well, but I thought that I would reach out to SO first to see if anyone has run into this. Thanks.

You can now setup SSRS on RDS SQL Server without any extra cost. This blogs illustrates the steps to follow.Ron5504

3 Answers


You might need to use a certain Microsoft-created "Amazon Machine Image", specifically the "SQL Server Optimized" AMI: Microsoft AMIs.


Another option would be to apply SQL Server SSRS containers, hosted on an EC2 VM, connected to RDS. There's a blog on Windocks.com that outlines steps to deliver configured containers for improved scalability (multiple SSRS containers), with simplified management.


I have successfully ran SSRS in Docker containers on Windows ECS/2 VMs for a while and just today came across a fresh out of the oven announcement from Amazon on running SSRS natively on RDS: https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2020/05/amazon-rds-for-sql-server-now-supports-sql-server-reporting-services/?nc1=h_ls