I am trying to load jpg into an imagelist by converting the .jpg to a bmp and then saving it to imagelist1.
From top to bottom of the code snip. The Selectdir works and fileexists parts work. This is used to load in all the Images in a folder.All images are named like so 0.jpg / 1.jpg ect..
I then load the jpg to a tpicture. Set the bmp width /height and load the bmp with same image as jpg , i then add the bmp to the imagelist. And when its done it should show the first image 0.jpg
Two issues, first if i did it like so it would only show a small area (top left) of the bmp but it was the correct image. I assume this is due to the option crop. which i cant seem to figure out how to make it select center during runtime?
Second, If i put
Imagelist1.width := currentimage.width;
Imagelist1.height := currentimage.height;
Then it shows last image. like Imagelist1.GetBitmap()
did not work?
so i assume a fix for either one would be great!
procedure TForm1.Load1Click(Sender: TObject);
openDialog : TOpenDialog;
dir :string;
MyPicture :TPicture;
currentimage :Tbitmap;
image : integer;
clTrans : TColor;
Image := 0 ;
//lets user select a dir
SelectDirectory(Dir, [sdAllowCreate, sdPerformCreate, sdPrompt],SELDIRHELP);
myPicture :=Tpicture.Create;
currentimage := TBitmap.Create;
//keeps adding images as long as the file path exsist.
//thus comic pages should be renumbed to 0-XX
while FileExists(Dir+'\'+inttostr(image)+'.jpg') do
MyPicture.LoadFromFile(Dir+'\'+inttostr(image)+'.jpg'); //load image to jpg holder
currentimage.Width := mypicture.Width; //set width same as jpg
currentimage.Height:= mypicture.Height; //set height same as jpg
currentimage.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, myPicture.Graphic); //draw jpg on bmp
clTrans:=currentimage.TransparentColor; //unknown if needed?
//Imagelist1.Width := currentimage.Width;
//imagelist1.Height := currentimage.Height;
Imagelist1.Addmasked(Currentimage,clTrans); //add to imagelist
image := image +1; //add one so it adds next page