I have built an app, designed to play each sound as the first one is finished by using 'ended' event.
In my initial version, each sound has its own audio element, resulting in something like:
function play_next_audio(){
speaker = $('audio#' + sounds[i++]).get(0);
This works great on all desktop browsers, including Safari, but does not go beyond the very first letter on iOS.
I have also tried a different approach - a single audio element that loads each sound in turn. There I experimented with binding the 'ended' event as well as loading first and binding 'canplaythrough' event instead. In both cases, it fails to work even on the desktop Safari - this time successfully playing the first two letters.
Here is the isolated test:
Note that audio.load() is commented out several places - having it in or out seems to make no difference.
What am I doing wrong? How can I play series of sounds on iOS? Thank you so much for the help!