So in order to help me understand some of the more advanced Haskell/GHC features and concepts, I decided to take a working GADT-based implementation of dynamically typed data and extend it to cover parametric types. (I apologize for the length of this example.)
module Dyn ( Dynamic(..),
) where
import Control.Applicative
-- Equality proofs
-- | The type of equality proofs.
data Equal a b where
Reflexivity :: Equal a a
-- | Inductive case for parametric types
Induction :: Equal a b -> Equal (f a) (f b)
instance Show (Equal a b) where
show Reflexivity = "Reflexivity"
show (Induction proof) = "Induction (" ++ show proof ++ ")"
-- Type representations
-- | Type representations. If @x :: TypeRep a@, then @x@ is a singleton
-- value that stands in for type @a@.
data TypeRep a where
Integer :: TypeRep Integer
Char :: TypeRep Char
Maybe :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep (Maybe a)
List :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep [a]
-- | Typeclass for types that have a TypeRep
class Representable a where
typeRep :: TypeRep a
instance Representable Integer where typeRep = Integer
instance Representable Char where typeRep = Char
instance Representable a => Representable (Maybe a) where
typeRep = Maybe typeRep
instance Representable a => Representable [a] where
typeRep = List typeRep
-- | Match two types and return @Just@ an equality proof if they are
-- equal, @Nothing@ if they are not.
matchTypes :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Maybe (Equal a b)
matchTypes Integer Integer = Just Reflexivity
matchTypes Char Char = Just Reflexivity
matchTypes (List a) (List b) = Induction <$> (matchTypes a b)
matchTypes (Maybe a) (Maybe b) = Induction <$> (matchTypes a b)
matchTypes _ _ = Nothing
instance Show (TypeRep a) where
show Integer = "Integer"
show Char = "Char"
show (List a) = "[" ++ show a ++ "]"
show (Maybe a) = "Maybe (" ++ show a ++ ")"
-- Dynamic data
data Dynamic where
Dyn :: TypeRep a -> a -> Dynamic
instance Show Dynamic where
show (Dyn typ val) = "Dyn " ++ show typ
-- | Inject a value of a @Representable@ type into @Dynamic@.
toDynamic :: Representable a => a -> Dynamic
toDynamic = Dyn typeRep
-- | Cast a @Dynamic@ into a @Representable@ type.
fromDynamic :: Representable a => Dynamic -> Maybe a
fromDynamic = fromDynamic' typeRep
fromDynamic' :: TypeRep a -> Dynamic -> Maybe a
fromDynamic' target (Dyn source value) =
case matchTypes source target of
Just Reflexivity -> Just value
Nothing -> Nothing
-- The following pattern causes compilation to fail.
Just (Induction _) -> Just value
Compilation of this, however, fails on the last line (my line numbers don't match up to the example):
Could not deduce (a2 ~ b)
from the context (a1 ~ f a2, a ~ f b)
bound by a pattern with constructor
Induction :: forall a b (f :: * -> *).
Equal a b -> Equal (f a) (f b),
in a case alternative
at ../src/Dyn.hs:105:13-23
`a2' is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor
Induction :: forall a b (f :: * -> *).
Equal a b -> Equal (f a) (f b),
in a case alternative
at ../src/Dyn.hs:105:13
`b' is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor
Induction :: forall a b (f :: * -> *).
Equal a b -> Equal (f a) (f b),
in a case alternative
at ../src/Dyn.hs:105:13
Expected type: a1
Actual type: a
In the first argument of `Just', namely `value'
In the expression: Just value
In a case alternative: Just (Induction _) -> Just value
The way I read this, the compiler is unable to figure out that in Inductive :: Equal a b -> Equal (f a) (f b)
, a
and b
must be equal for non-bottom values. So I've tried Inductive :: Equal a a -> Equal (f a) (f a)
, but that fails too, in the definition of matchTypes :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Maybe (Equal a b)
Could not deduce (a2 ~ a1)
from the context (a ~ [a1])
bound by a pattern with constructor
List :: forall a. TypeRep a -> TypeRep [a],
in an equation for `matchTypes'
at ../src/Dyn.hs:66:13-18
or from (b ~ [a2])
bound by a pattern with constructor
List :: forall a. TypeRep a -> TypeRep [a],
in an equation for `matchTypes'
at ../src/Dyn.hs:66:22-27
`a2' is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor
List :: forall a. TypeRep a -> TypeRep [a],
in an equation for `matchTypes'
at ../src/Dyn.hs:66:22
`a1' is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor
List :: forall a. TypeRep a -> TypeRep [a],
in an equation for `matchTypes'
at ../src/Dyn.hs:66:13
Expected type: TypeRep a1
Actual type: TypeRep a
In the second argument of `matchTypes', namely `b'
In the second argument of `(<$>)', namely `(matchTypes a b)'
Changing the type of matchTypes :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Maybe (Equal a b)
to produce matchTypes :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Maybe (Equal a a)
doesn't work (just read it as a proposition). Neither does matchTypes :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep a -> Maybe (Equal a a)
(another trivial proposition, and this as I understand it would require users of fromDynamic' to know the
ain the
TypeRep acontained in the
So, I'm stumped. Any pointers on how to move forward here?
constructor and derive the same principleinduction :: Eq a b -> Eq (f a) (f b); induction Reflexivity = Reflexivity
? – pigworker