The Bluetooth Core Spec V4.0 Vol. 3 Part G Section 4.9.3 states, that for writes of characteristic values with response, the Attribute Protocol Write Request procedure is used.
Bluetooth Core Spec V4.0 Vol 3 Part F Section 3.3.2 describes, that
Once a client sends a request to a server, that client shall send no other request to the same server until a response PDU has been received.
I want to write multiple values with response in an iOS app using CoreBluetooth. Do I have to manage this specification myself? Or can I simply use - writeValue:forCharacteristic:type
to write all of the values at once, and iOS manages that each request is only sent after the preceding one has been processed?
I somehow guess that iOS will manage it, because according to Bluetooth Core Spec V4.0 Vol 3 Part F Section the Write Response does not contain a link to the written characteristic. However, the - peripheral:didWriteValueForCharacteristic:error
method suggests that iOS somehow keeps track of what characteristic the response is linked to.
Can someone confirm or deny this?