
Magento is returning Fatal error: Call to a member function setQuote() on a non-object in/home/discoun1/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Controller/Express/Abstract.php when customer click continue button on paypal “review your information”.


2 Answers


It should be a problem with your custom theme.

Try this:

  1. get the paypal folder from app/design/frontend/base/default/template;
  2. get paypal.xml from app/design/frontend/base/default/layout;
  3. copy the paypal folder above to app/design/frontend/default/[yourthemename]/template
  4. copy the XML above to app/design/frontend/default/[yourthemename]/layout

This should update the paypal files to your theme.


Eiii I've had this problem too, and this worked for me too.

In my case I'd overwritten 3 files of the Paypal folder in my template, so I already have the folder and the xml in my templates default folder. In spite of the review showed me a blank page, but with your solution the reviwe page works fine.

I don't understand why Magento does not find the rest of the files from core. Could you give me a explantion of that.

Good job. :)