I've a grid that should execute a renderer on a column, but that don't show anything and neither recoignise record.
Ext.define('Ab.view.maquina.MaquinaList', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias: 'widget.maquinalist',
store: 'Maquinas',
tbar: [
{ text: _('Agregar'), action:'add'},
{ text: _('Editar'), action: 'upd'},
{ text: _('Eliminar'), action: 'del'}
columns: [
{ text: _('Nombre'), flex: 1, dataIndex: 'nombre' },
{ text: _('Estado'), flex: 1, dataIndex: 'estado'},
{ text: _('Marca'), flex: 1, dataIndex: 'codigo', renderer: function(value, record){this.renderMarca(value, record)}}
renderMarca: function(value,record){
console.log(value); < show value
console.log(record.get('nombre')); < error
return value; < don't show value on the column