We've got an MVC website that is going to use DotNetOpenAuth for signing in users via OpenID and I've found this really helpful template and other more simple examples that will help me get started on that end. However, what I don't have fully figured out is how to provide my users with a way to create an account with us if they don't want to use OpenID.
I can see two options here, write some custom code that allows OpenID to piggy back on the standard membership provider. Or, have the end site only use OpenID via DotNetOpenAuth and build an Identity Provider for my users to sign up on. That way the site would only see OpenID users and wouldn't know a difference.
Are these my only options? I haven't been able to find anything on standing up my own Identity Provider, just the relying party templates. I think I can get by with just putting OpenID on top of the default membership provider, but that feels like I'm doing it wrong, since I should be able to just stand up an identity provider.
So, in my situation, what would be the best way to support membership via local account creation and OpenID via DotNetOpenAuth?