In Scala IDE I get the following error about the class I am to compile:
in object MapArea, multiple overloaded alternatives of method addAnim define default arguments.
So yes, They do! So what? I do not understand the philosophy of this...
It turns out that there could be a situation where compiler can't know which method to choose (as pointed out by Tomasz Nurkiewicz), ok I understand.. but in my situation these two methods can clearly be distinguished. Here is the exact piece of code (with all original names and stuff preserved this time):
def addAnim (name: String, x: Float, y: Float, tex: Buffer[Texture], fps: Int, percent: Float = 0): TImageSequence =
addAnim (name, x, y, tex(0).getImage.getWidth, tex(0).getImage.getHeight, tex, fps, percent)
def addAnim (name: String, x: Float, y: Float, w: Float, h: Float, tex: Buffer[Texture], fps: Int, percent: Float = 0): TImageSequence = {
// do stuff