I'd like to use "convert" (or whatever) from Imagemagick to combine two different sized images. I'd like them to be aligned at the bottom left corners. For example, I have two images:
trans_alpha.png (a transparent 42x37 blank image) and shadow.png (a 68x23 image, which I want overlaid on trans_alpha.png aligned at the bottom left)
The result I'd like would be a 68x37 image, NOTE these sizes are examples only, I don't want to put the size into the command line, I just want to use the sizes from the input images.
I have tried a lot of combinations without success:
Attempt no. 776 (close, but aligned to top left, not bottom left)..:
convert trans_alpha.png -background none shadow.png -gravity SouthWest -layers merge +repage result.png
Attempt no. 841 (aligned correctly, but result image isn't wide enough)...
convert trans_alpha.png shadow.png -gravity SouthWest -composite result.png
Hopefully that makes sense. Thanks,