Have a view consisting of 3 server nodes (American Samoa, Alaska, Alabama) and 1 client node (VoterClient). Whenever I try to invoke the vote method in the first server within the view which in the below case is American Samoa, I get a NoSuchMethodException. Here is the list of nodes in the view as shown below: (ping_dest is American Samoa, pingable_mbrs=[American Samoa, Alaska, Alabama, VoterClient]). So when I call
// Call the vote method on the state.
voteResult = dispatcher.callRemoteMethod(address1, "vote",
new Object[] { obj.ID, obj.candidate },
new Class[] { String.class, String.class },
new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 50000));
where address1
is the address of "American Samoa"
, and obj.ID
and obj.candidate
are String
parameters of the remote vote method, I get the NoSuchMethodException.
Here is my log and the exception:
1644 DEBUG [main] org.jgroups.protocols.FD_SOCK - VIEW_CHANGE received: [American Samoa, Alaska, Alabama, VoterClient, VoterClient] 1664 DEBUG [FD_SOCK pinger,StateServerGroup,VoterClient] org.jgroups.protocols.FD_SOCK - ping_dest is American Samoa, pingable_mbrs=[American Samoa, Alaska, Alabama, VoterClient, VoterClient] 1664 DEBUG [main] org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.STABLE - [ergonomics] setting max_bytes to 20MB (5 members) This should be occuring right????? State server address: American Samoa. java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: vote at org.jgroups.blocks.MethodCall.invoke(MethodCall.java:312) at org.jgroups.blocks.RpcDispatcher.handle(RpcDispatcher.java:326) at org.jgroups.blocks.RequestCorrelator.handleRequest(RequestCorrelator.java:456) at org.jgroups.blocks.RequestCorrelator.receiveMessage(RequestCorrelator.java:363) at org.jgroups.blocks.RequestCorrelator.receive(RequestCorrelator.java:238) at org.jgroups.blocks.MessageDispatcher$ProtocolAdapter.up(MessageDispatcher.java:543) at org.jgroups.JChannel.up(JChannel.java:716) at org.jgroups.stack.ProtocolStack.up(ProtocolStack.java:1026) at org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.STATE_TRANSFER.up(STATE_TRANSFER.java:178) at org.jgroups.protocols.FRAG2.up(FRAG2.java:181) at org.jgroups.protocols.FlowControl.up(FlowControl.java:418) at org.jgroups.protocols.FlowControl.up(FlowControl.java:400) at org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS.up(GMS.java:889) ... at org.jgroups.protocols.TP$IncomingPacket.handleMyMessage(TP.java:1728) at org.jgroups.protocols.TP$IncomingPacket.run(TP.java:1710) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) failed on dispatcher for VoteAction.
Here is the vote method:
public class EVoterServer extends ReceiverAdapter implements Runnable{ private static final String serverProperties = null; // default properties private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EVoterServer.class); private JChannel channel = null; private String stateName = null; private static final String serverProperties = null; // default properties private static final String channelName = "StateServerGroup"; private boolean isRunning = true; @Override public void run() { try { channel = new JChannel(serverProperties); channel.setName(stateName); @SuppressWarnings("unused") RpcDispatcher dispatcher = new RpcDispatcher(channel, this, this, this); channel.connect(channelName); channel.getState(null, 0); logger.info(stateName + " server started at " + new Date() + "."); logger.info(stateName + " joined channel '" + channelName + "' (" + channel.getView().size() + " members)."); logger.info(stateName + " server ready to serve requests."); logger.info(stateName + " server's channel address is " + channel.getAddress() + "."); isRunning = true; while(isRunning) { Util.sleep(10000); } } catch(Exception e) { logger.error("EVoterServer.run(); State: " + stateName + "; " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { Util.close(channel); } } public boolean vote(String voterId, String candidateName) { System.out.println("Vote for " + candidateName + " by " + voterId + "."); return true; } }
Here is the driver class' (main method snippet); how I initialize the servers for each state.
String [] STATE_NAMES = {"Alabama", "Alaska", "American Samoa"}; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { try { EVoterServer server = new EVoterServer(STATE_NAMES[i]); new Thread(server).start(); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error(t.getMessage(), t); } }
I think it has to do with the coordinator elected by the GMS. The client can't vote when the coordinator is the same as the voting server state. Below shows how the coordinator American Samoa is elected:
1401 DEBUG [main] org.jgroups.protocols.UDP - created unicast receiver thread 1401 DEBUG [main] org.jgroups.protocols.UDP - created multicast receiver thread 1411 DEBUG [main] org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS - election results: {American Samoa=2} 1411 DEBUG [main] org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS - sending JOIN(VoterClient) to American Samoa 1523 DEBUG [main] org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.NAKACK - [setDigest()]
method and how you are registered it with the handler? – Grayvote()
method on all servers? – Grayfailed on dispatcher for VoteAction
. I'm surprised that does not sayEVoterServer
. – Gray