I have a collection of objects which i display in a databound listbox. The listbox contains the template which is defined as a StackPanel whcih contains a TextBlock. The TextBlock shows my data bounded from collection.
I am also associating the contextmenu using Silverlight toolkit for Windows Phone. I am associating ContextMenu and MenuItems programmatically to the selected TextBlock. I am handling every menu item by its own click event.
The problem that i face is that when i click the menuitem from contextmenu, i cannot get the referenced control from the listbox. In other words, I am not able to get the reference to TextBlock through which the contextmenu is displayed.
1 Answers
I think there's a method to get the element associated to a given ContextMenu, but as I can't find it, here's a workaround.
You say you are associating the ContextMenu with the TextBlock programatically. Then, you can use the wonderful Tag property to hold a reference to your TextBlock. As you can read in the link, Tag holds any arbitrary object. The code would go like this:
First, you set the tag to your textblock (I'm using some generic names)
menuitem.Tag = textblock;
and then, in the click handler, retrieve that Textblock
var menuItem = sender as MenuItem;
if(menuItem != null && menuItem.Tag is TextBlock)
var textBlock = menuItem.Tag as TextBlock;
Then, textBlock is the TextBlock that called the ContextMenu.
Hope it helped.