I have an Image that's 5000 pixels by 5000 pixels. It's scaled up and down regularly to fit different parts of the image into the window.
I'm making a function that focuses in on different places on the image (like a map) and then zooms into a certain scale that I specify.
I pass my point into this function (new Point(2000,2500) for example)) however this always breaks because it's not relative to the image specifically.
How do I make the Point relative to the image at the image's given scale at any given time?
Additional Info: I'm using the guide here http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/samples/fig_panzoom.html for panning and zooming functionality.
One of my pitfalls was that I was using a possible bitmapScaleFactor > 1 which would mess up the scaling. This was the final function that worked for my usage.
protected function testFocus(p:Point):void
var content:ContentRectangle = boardViewer._contentRectangle;
var panToPoint:PanToPointCommand = new PanToPointCommand(boardViewer, content);
var scale:Number = boardViewer.bitmapScaleFactor;
var location = new Point((p.x*scale)+content.x, (p.y*scale)+content.y);
var center = new Point(boardViewer.width/2, boardViewer.height/2);
//Move the point to the center
panToPoint.fromPoint = location;
panToPoint.toPoint = center;
class? It seems like it will do the right thing, in the toolkit that you linked to. – martineno