I'm using the Shopify API http://api.shopify.com/
And the Shopify Gem: https://github.com/Shopify/shopify_api that does most of the heavy lifting- just can't quite figure out how to make it work.
To update an @variant object I need to PUT here: PUT /admin/variants/#{id}.json
In config/routes.rb I made default resource routes with resources :variants and now I'm trying to make a form that updates a variant resource but can't configure the form to have the proper action.
Basically I'm constructing form_tag with a text field input that takes an integer and updates variant.inventory_quantity
Rake Routes give me this:
rake routes:
variants GET /variants(.:format) variants#index
POST /variants(.:format) variants#create
new_variant GET /variants/new(.:format) variants#new
edit_variant GET /variants/:id/edit(.:format) variants#edit
variant GET /variants/:id(.:format) variants#show
PUT /variants/:id(.:format) variants#update
DELETE /variants/:id(.:format) variants#destroy