I currently use Devise 2.1 + Rails 3.2.x to authenticate users. I'm also going to be adding OmniAuth-Facebook and Twitter support soon.
I wanted to use this existing infrastructure with Backbone.js. Can you let me know if this is the correct workflow from authentication perspective?
- User login via Devise (or OmniAuth)
- Use Devise's Token Authenticatable to return a token?
- Backbone to access the token somehow and append that as part of API call? I don't need the API to create user, that's being handled by Devise.
Questions: 1. Is this how you'd implement it? 2. Any suggestions/code samples on #2 and #3? 3. How would you handle authorization with this? I don't think CanCan will work.
P.S. I read through many articles, including this: http://jessewolgamott.com/blog/2012/01/19/the-one-with-a-json-api-login-using-devise/. They seem to be focused on authentication using the API, rather than securing the API resources after authentication is completed.