Sencha Environment Detection offers a large spectrum through simple means.
Instead of, you can make life easier via Ext.os.deviceType which will return:
NB: this value can also be fudged by adding "?deviceType=" to the url.
http://localhost/mypage.html?deviceType=Tablet is the singleton returning:
- iOS
- Android
- webOS
- BlackBerry
- RIMTablet
- MacOS
- Windows
- Linux
- Bada
- Other
The usual ability of browser detection is available through
Something I've only recently encountered, which I love is feature detection - allowing coding similar to Modernizr / YepNope based off ability of device. Ext.feature offers:
- Ext.feature.has.Audio
- Ext.feature.has.Canvas
- Ext.feature.has.ClassList
- Ext.feature.has.CreateContextualFragment
- Ext.feature.has.Css3dTransforms
- Ext.feature.has.CssAnimations
- Ext.feature.has.CssTransforms
- Ext.feature.has.CssTransitions
- Ext.feature.has.DeviceMotion
- Ext.feature.has.Geolocation
- Ext.feature.has.History
- Ext.feature.has.Orientation
- Ext.feature.has.OrientationChange
- Ext.feature.has.Range
- Ext.feature.has.SqlDatabase
- Ext.feature.has.Svg
- Ext.feature.has.Touch
- Ext.feature.has.Video
- Ext.feature.has.Vml
- Ext.feature.has.WebSockets
To detect fullscreen/app/homescreen browser mode on iOS:
window.navigator.standalone == true
Orientation Ext.device.Orientation and orientation change:
scope: this,
orientationchange: function(e) {
console.log('Alpha: ', e.alpha);
console.log('Beta: ', e.beta);
console.log('Gamma: ', e.gamma);
Orientation is based on Viewport. I usually add a listener which is more reliable:
onOrientationChange: function(viewport, orientation, width, height) {
// test trigger and values
console.log('o:' + orientation + ' w:' + width + ' h:' + height);
if (width > height) {
orientation = 'landscape';
} else {
orientation = 'portrait';
// add handlers here...