The Problem:
I'm running a winforms application with an embedded WebBrowser control. I've used the magic registry setting to switch this Control to IE 8 mode (as answered here Will the IE9 WebBrowser Control Support all of IE9's features, including SVG?).
But now if I navigate to a website which contains the Meta tag X-UA-Compatible IE=9 (as of my webbrowser control switches to IE9 mode and ignores the registry settings.
I would like my control to stay in IE8 mode...
My solution attempts
I've tried to remove the meta tag after the control has loaded (Document_complete) using IHTMLDOMNode.removeChild but the control does not re-render the page.
I've tried to load the HTML content manually (using WebClient), remove the meta tag and feed this into the the webbrowser control (using Document.Write or DocumentText) but this way the control refuses to load any other content (like images).
Now I'm out of ideas short of writing my own HTTPProxy and modifiying the response on the way (which I would not like to do).
Anyone any ideas?
I'm using .Net 4, I cannot change the website which will be displayed and I need it to render in IE8 mode regardless of the X-UA-Compatible tag...