
This is NOT homework -- the solution is already in the text. I just failed to understand the solution.


(run* (q)
  (let [a (== true q)
        b (== false q)]

Correct Solution


My believed solution


My Confusion

Apparently the "a (== true q)" line is NOT executed, since only b is the goal. This confuses me. My mental model so far for logic programming has been:

  • consider all possible assignemnts to q
  • output the ones that manages to pass through the entire program

    Thus, the "a (== true q)" forces q = true, which makes it impossible to satisfy the "b (== false q)" line.

    However, apparently only "thigns needed to compute the goal" are executed. What's going on? What's the right mental execution model for core.logic / mini-kanren?


(BTW, I'm clearly in the wrong, since mini-karen + core.logic agre with each other -- I just want to understand what I'm doing wrong.)

When your objective is to reach the goal, it is better to leave something that isn't related to your objective to reach the goalAnkur
@Ankur: you're probably right. However, I don't understand it. Can you provide some insight on how "let" fits into the execution model of mini-kanren / core.logic? It's clearly that I do not understand what "let" means -- and it's clear that "let" means something else than in pure scheme/clojure.user1311390

1 Answers


== produces a goal. But you don't pass the a goal to run. So run doesn't know about it. A comparable situation is this:

(defn call [f] (f))

  (let [a #(println "a")
        b #(println "b")]

The a function is created but not passed to call. So it is never executed.