
SQL Server 2008R2 Transactional Replication - Move SubscriberDB - Push Subscription

I have a requirement to move a subscriber database to a new server outside of a system outage i.e. I cannot stop new transaction from loading into the publisher database.

So far I have attempted to stop the distribution agent and let all un-replicated commands replicate to the subscriber database at Server1. Then backup and restore the subscriber database to Server2. I have then created a new subscription from Server2 to the existing publication.

This works but only transactions created from that point forward are replicated to the Server2 subscriber database. I also require all the old transactions built up at the distributor database destined to only go to Server1.

Is there a replication command available to update the destination of existing transactions at the distributer to the new subscriber.subscriber_DB?

There is 1 publication with multiple articles. The publication is currently only subscribed to by one database at Server1.


2 Answers


You're working too hard. Create a subscription on the new server as though you didn't have an existing subscription at all. There are many ways to do this; pick your favorite. I see in your response to another answer that snapshots are a no-go. I have had a lot of success using the "initialize from backup" option (here, "backup" refers to a backup of the publisher). Once the subscriber is in sync after initialization, you're done. You're now clear to "migrate" to the new server.


Due to the distribution agent being specific to each subscribing server, you can't really have a new subscriber take over where an existing subscriber left off. The only way this would work is if you backup/restore to Server2, temporarily stopped transactions on the publisher, backup/restore log to Server2, create subscriptions with "replication support only", and then re-enable transactions.

Can you not just add subscriptions to the same publication for the new subscriber and kick off the snapshot agent? That will independently sync Server2 while Server1 continues to stay in sync. You should then be able to switch to Server2 seamlessly and remove the subscriptions to Server1.

One note of warning though. I would check the sync_method in syspublications table (or run sp_helppublications) of your publication database to make sure snapshots won't lock the tables in your publisher (by default with SQL Server 2005+, this shouldn't be an issue). Otherwise, what I just suggested will cause blocking on the publisher until the snapshot finishes.

Also, this is a good reference to understanding how to do snapshots one at a time if you setup replication through the GUI using default settings. This will be useful for distributing the snapshots over a larger period of time to reduce publisher server load if you have a lot of data to replicate (gigabytes rather than megabytes). http://www.replicationanswers.com/TransactionalOptimisation.asp