
I'm trying to pass a parameter via the url to SSRS and it appears not to work!

I'm trying to pass a userId (string) via the url which will be passed to the database and used by the query.

base url: http://blah/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=MyReport

tried this but it doesn't work: http://blah/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=MyReport&UserId=fred

Any ideas

The problem was Iw as trying to access the report via a 'static' url, this urlonly shows a report already generated, it doesn't do 'dynamic' report generation - if you want this you have to use a url something like 'http://<server>/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx...' As stated below.AwkwardCoder

9 Answers


As well as what Shiraz said, try something like this:


Note the path would only work if you are in a single folder. When I have to do this I simply browse to the report using the reportserver path ("reports" is the report manager) and copy the url then add &<ParameterName>=<value> to the end.


I had the same question and more, and though this thread is old, it is still a good one, so in summary for SSRS 2008R2 I found...


  1. You want to use a value from a URL to look up data
  2. You want to display a parameter from a URL in a report
  3. You want to pass a parameter from one report to another report


If applicable, be sure to replace Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath= with ReportServer?. In other words: Instead of this:


Use this syntax:


Add parameter(s) to the report and set as hidden (or visible if user action allowed, though keep in mind that while the report parameter will change, the URL will not change based on an updated entry).

Attach parameters to URL with &ParameterName=Value

Parameters can be referenced or displayed in report using @ParameterName, whether they're set in the report or in the URL

To hide the toolbar where parameters are displayed, add &rc:Toolbar=false to the URL (reference)

Putting that all together, you can run a URL with embedded values, or call this as an action from one report and read by another report:


In report dataset properties query: SELECT stuff FROM view WHERE User = @UserID

In report, set expression value to [UserID] (or =Fields!UserID.Value)

Keep in mind that if a report has multiple parameters, you might need to include all parameters in the URL, even if blank, depending on how your dataset query is written.

To pass a parameter using Action = Go to URL, set expression to:


Be sure to have a space after an expression if followed by & (a line break is isn't enough). No space is required before an expression. This method can pass a parameter but does not hide it as it is visible in the URL.

If you don't include &rs:ClearSession=True then the report won't refresh until browser session cache is cleared.

To pass a parameter using Action = Go to report:

  • Specify the report
  • Add parameter(s) to run the report
  • Add parameter(s) you wish to pass (the parameters need to be defined in the destination report, so to my knowledge you can't use URL-specific commands such as rc:toolbar using this method); however, I suppose it would be possible to read or set the Prompt User checkbox, as seen in reporting sever parameters, through custom code in the report.)

For reference, / = %2f


I've just solved this problem myself. I found the solution on MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms155391.aspx.

The format basically is


Try changing "Reports" to "ReportServer" in your url


Try passing multiple values via url:


This should work.


I solved a similar problem by passing the value of the available parameter in the URL instead of the label of the parameter.

For instance, I have a report with a parameter named viewName and the predefined Available Values for the parameter are: (labels/values) orders/sub_orders, orderDetail/sub_orderDetail, product/sub_product.

To call this report with a URL to render automatically for parameter=product, you must specify the value not the label.
This would be wrong: http://server/reportserver?/Data+Dictionary/DetailedInfo&viewName=product&rs:Command=Render

This is correct: http://server/reportserver?/Data+Dictionary/DetailedInfo&viewName=sub_product&rs:Command=Render


As per this link you may also have to prefix your param with &rp if not using proxy syntax


Try changing "Reports" to "ReportServer" in your url. For that just access this http://host/ReportServer/ and from there you can go to the report pages. There append your parmaters like this &<parameter>=<value>

For more detailed information:





Pass parameter to the report with server authentication