I am trying to migrate an existing Winforms project into WPF. However: there are some user controls I need to leave as WinForm controls.
I have added a WinForms UserControl into a WPF Window. It consists of a RichTextBox and some buttons and labels. This is subclassed into various further user controls.
When I embed the UserControl into a WPF window it renders - but none of the buttons appear to do anything. When underlying processes update e.g. the RichTextBox it does not display the content. Yet when I inspect the textbox in debug I can see the content (though I have to click on 'base' to see this.)
[ One difference I have spotted - though it may not be relevant - is that when this control is on a WPF and non-working Visual Studio shows the object as 'sealed' but when in the original Winforms project when it is fully working it does not show as sealed. ]
I have added code to change the text in the labels - and they also firmly refuse to update: yet again I can see the text if I examine the label in debug mode.
This stack overflow question may address the same issue: WindowsFormsHost Winform pdfviewer control problem
but the answer didn't make a lot of sense to me: It mentioned replacing
new Window { Content = CreateContent(), Title = title }.Show();
But this is not a piece of code I recognise: I am using a xaml file with code behind and it's called up using
System.Windows.Application app = new System.Windows.Application();
app.Run(new FormWPFApp());
(where FormWPFApp is my name for the WPF window)
Here is the xaml header:-
<Window x:Class="ZedApp.FormWPFApp"
Title="Conversion version" Height="661" Width="1559" Loaded="Window_Loaded">
Here is the xaml I use for the two UserControls (they both inherit from the same base class) :-
<WindowsFormsHost Height="430" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="192,32,0,0" Name="windowsFormsHostTicketPrinter" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="324" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1">
<Printers:TicketPrinter x:Name="ticketPrinter">
<WindowsFormsHost Height="430" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="522,32,0,0" Name="windowsFormsHostJournalPrinter" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="324" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1">
<Printers:JournalPrinter x:Name="journalPrinter">
[Another thing I have noticed is a method that clears the Rich Text Box on one of the windows starts kicking out errors of the following type if run under WindowsFormsHost in WPF - "Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created."
private void ClearRichTextBox(RichTextBox rtbToClear)
if (rtbToClear.IsHandleCreated)
if (rtbToClear.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke(new Action<RichTextBox>(ClearRichTextBox), new object[] {rtbToClear});
What is the likely cause of this behaviour and what do I need to do to get the elements within the User Control working?