I am using a multi-selection ListPicker (the new one in the 7.1/Mango control toolkit from Nov '11).
My code is below - a "vanilla" use case for the ListPicker, except that I initialize the SelecetedItems dependency property with a new List so I can add things to it and properly initialize the selected state for the ListPicker. Although this issue repro's whether or not I do this...
The SummaryForSelectedItemsDelegate does get called when initializing the list (e.g. when I call contactPicker.SetValue(ListPicker.SelectedItemsProperty)), but NOT when I click the "done" button on the ListPicker (although my SelectionChanged event handler does get called).
Once I dismiss the ListPicker, I only get the string corresponding to the first selected item in the "summary" for the control (as opposed to the control calling my delegate and getting a comma-delimited list of selected items).
Is this a bug? Has anyone else run into this? Is there a workaround?
var contactPicker = new ListPicker()
MinWidth = minWidth,
ExpansionMode = ExpansionMode.FullScreenOnly,
SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Multiple,
SummaryForSelectedItemsDelegate = (list) => { return CreateCommaDelimitedList(list); },
IsTabStop = true
contactPicker.ItemsSource = listOfItems;
contactPicker.DisplayMemberPath = "Name";
contactPicker.SetValue(ListPicker.SelectedItemsProperty, new List<Item>());
// initialize the list picker selected values
foreach (var contactRef in listOfSelectedContacts)
contactPicker.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler((o, ea) =>
// add all the newly added items
foreach (var added in ea.AddedItems)
Item addedItem = added as Item;
if (addedItem == null)
// remove all the newly removed items
foreach (var removed in ea.RemovedItems)
Item removedItem = removed as Item;
if (removedItem == null)