
I'm developing an application where performance is critical. I want GCC to translate some specific calls to memset() as an instruction with a repeat prefix like "rep stos QWORD PTR es:[rdi],rax". GCC does this automatically when the size is both known and small.

However, GCC maps calls to memset() with a random length through a call to memset() via the PLT, which causes a branch misprediction since the branch predictor cache is cold.

Is there a way to force GCC to do what I want (outside of inline assembly)? Note that I don't want this behavior for the whole program, only for some specific memset() calls.

On a related topic, I'm also interested for any hack that prevents GCC from branching when a cmovcc instruction would do the job (I know about using &,+,etc. instead of &&).

Thanks a lot for any help.


That's basically what I ended up doing. Here is my code:

static finline void app_zero(void *dst, uint32_t size, uint32_t count)
    // Warning: we tell gcc to use 'dst' both as source and destination here.  
    // This does not cause problems because we don't reuse 'dst'.  
    #ifdef APP_ARCH_X86 
    #define STOS(X,Y) do { \  
        int c = (size/Y)*count; \  
        __asm__ __volatile__("cld; xor %%eax, %%eax; rep stos"X"\n\n" \
                             : "+D"(dst), "+c"(c) :: "rax", "flags"); \  
        } while (0)  
    if (size % 8 == 0)      STOS("q", 8);  
    else if (size % 4 == 0) STOS("l", 4);  
    else if (size % 2 == 0) STOS("w", 2);  
    else                    STOS("b", 1);  
    #undef STOS  
    memset(dst, 0, size*count);  

Note that your example works in your test setup, but it won't work generally. GCC can change the direction flag, so a cld instruction is necessary. Furthermore, you must tell gcc that %rdi and %rcx will be changed by the stos instruction, and since gcc won't allow you to specify that a register is both an input and clobbered, you must use the awkward "+" syntax (which will also corrupt your input values).

This is not optimal due to the 'cld' instruction, which has a latency of 4 cycles on Nehalem. GCC tracks the flag register state internally (AFAICT) so it needs not issue that instruction every time.

The only way I can think of to even attempt achieving something which applies only to certain parts of the code would be GCC's attributes(function, variable and type attributes). However, at a quick glance none of them achieve what you're looking for.zxcdw
Thanks, I confirm that no such attribute/pragma seems to exist.user1418330

2 Answers


If you want to force this, why exclude inline assembly as an option ?

#define my_forced_inline_memset(dst, c, N) \
   __asm__ __volatile__(                   \
       "rep stosq %%rax, (%%rdi)\n\t"
       : : "D"((dst)), "a"((c)), "c"((N)) : "memory");

Using this in a demo program like:

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    my_forced_inline_memset(argv[0], 0, argc);
    return 0;

creates me this assembly:

00000000004004b0 <main>:
  4004b0:       89 f9                   mov    %edi,%ecx
  4004b2:       31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax
  4004b4:       48 8b 3e                mov    (%rsi),%rdi
  4004b7:       f3 ab                   repz stos %rax,%es:(%rdi)
  4004b9:       c3                      retq

That's not an explanation why GCC chooses to do differently, but as said if you want to force the behaviour you can, and if you explicitly know the place(s) where you need this then there's little wrong with calling some sort of specially-defined memset of your own ?

Note: repz stos %rax,(%rdi) (or the Intel syntax QWORD PTR equiv) is not the same as memset() because the granularity for memset() is a single byte. The above is rather the same as memset(..., c, N * 8) because of that. Keep this in mind.

Edit: If you write the code as:

#include <stdint.h>                        // for uintptr_t
#define my_forced_inline_memset(dst, c, N)                            \
   __asm__ __volatile__(                                              \
       "rep stos %1, (%0)\n\t"                                        \
       :: "D"((dst)), "a"((uintptr_t)(c)), "c"((N)/sizeof(uintptr_t)) \
       : "memory");

it compiles both for 32bit and 64bit.


I don't know about GCC, but under newer builds of MSVC, using loops to do the setting/copying forced the used of REP STOS (and it still allows optimization for know sizes and auto-vectorization), it may be work a try under GCC.

the alternative to to check if GCC has a builtin similar to __stosq, else you will probably need to go down to inline assembly, but thats not bad at all under GCC (and its probably the simplest and fastest way).

your second question is way to generic to really get a good answer, cause it depends on the case at hand, however, GCC should do well enough in optimizing out branches except for specific corner cases (using SETCC/MOVCC/FMOVCC).