
I'm developing an application which supports xhdpi devices. so I created layout-xhdpi and drawable-xhdpi folders to place my drawables and layouts.but I'm having a problem when supporting different resolution in same density. as an example samsung galaxy nexus and sharp IS003 detects same layout-xhdpi folder because it has same density but when I run the application in both devices,it displays buttons and images at different positions because both devices got different resolutions.

am I doing something wrong? should I create different folders for specific resolutions? I have read supporting multiple screens documentation and tried to declare layouts like res/layout-sw600dp/ but it wont detect for IS03.

Please help me to solve this problem.

have you found some solution to this problem??George Thomas

1 Answers


why you kept drawable-xhdpi?. there is no android tablet with xhdpi. check here: all the 10 inch tablet is only mdpi.

if you check your device density it will show only 160dpi for tablet.

there is xhdpi device for normal phone nexus S ICS.

so move all your drawable-xhdpi to drawable-mdpi and check it will work.