
All of a sudden I am getting the following error on uploading build on testflight:

Invalid IPA: Couldn't find executable specified in Info.plist - check the value of your CFBundleExecutable key.

I tried to upload the previous build which I already uploaded on testflight, even then I got the same error. What might be the reason?

${PRODUCT_NAME} But I don't think that is the problem. Three days back I uploaded the same build. I uploaded successfully. But now I am getting error.Nitish
oh, the "Executable File" key?adali
Yes. Also can you suggest me some other site other than testflight where I can upload IOS build.Nitish

3 Answers


I found solution to this error. Actually there were too many builds on testflight with same productName. I changed the productName and uploaded the same build again. It uploaded.


My solution:

  • Specify Architectures: armv7;
  • Set Deployment target 4.3;
  • Archive app;

After these changes my package was uploaded to testflight


This seems to be related to Xcode 4.6 not being able to build for armv6 any more, so removal of any references to that architecture fixed it for me.