Is it possible to create a simple WIX installer that only executes a Custom Action, and does nothing else? I know I can get it to work by using the following WIX markup, however this still creates a folder in the Program Files, and it doesn't work if I remove the CreateFolder line.
<Wix xmlns=""
<Product Id="*" Name="RegisterDotNetISS" Language="1033" Version="" Manufacturer="MyCompanyhere" UpgradeCode="67825899-d511-4cd3-a8c1-b2dd448a74bd">
<Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine" />
<MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version of [ProductName] is already installed." />
<MediaTemplate />
<CustomAction Id='aspnetregiisi' ExeCommand='"[NETFRAMEWORK40FULLINSTALLROOTDIR]\aspnet_regiis.exe" -i -enable' Directory='TARGETDIR' />
<CustomAction Id='aspnetregiisix64' ExeCommand='"[NETFRAMEWORK40FULLINSTALLROOTDIR64]\aspnet_regiis.exe" -i -enable' Directory='TARGETDIR' />
<Custom Action="aspnetregiisi" After="CostFinalize">NOT VersionNT64</Custom>
<Custom Action="aspnetregiisix64" After="CostFinalize">VersionNT64</Custom>
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
<Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="RegisterDotNetISS" >
<Component Id="Component1"
<CreateFolder />
<Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="RegisterDotNetISS" Level="1">
<ComponentRef Id="Component1" />
--EDIT-- I'm looking at creating a WIX installer rather than a console application because the .net 3.5 framework seems to have issues reading the 64bit registry. The easy functionality to do that was added in 4.0, and an empty installer that registers in IIS seems to work consistently.