
In OpenERP Web 6.1 the modules Kanban view presents an icon for each of the apps. How do you add a module icon to a custom developed module. I have tried to add an image at mymodule\static\src\img\icon.png, but it looks like this is not enough.


4 Answers


In the __openerp__.py file of your module add 'application':True and then as you mentioned add the image (64x64 pixel) to yourmodule/static/ing/icon.png , Now Restart the server.


in odoo v8 you can add icon in folder addons/your_module/static/description/icon.png

for example you can find icon for module employe in \openerp\addons\hr\static\description\


I have made the same exercise in my local.

but its working fine @ my side.

You can Find where exactly the problem is by tracing the file: server/openerp/modules/module.py

There is a function

def get_module_icon(module):

if this function return the vealue like: yourmodule/static/src/img/icon.png then its ok from your side.

Also run the "Update Module List" wizard.

plz take the latest revision of webclient.

hope this can help you.


As of openERP 7.0, you can change the icon by editing your module's __openerp__.py file to have a key icon set to the path to your icon without having to follow much conventions, although it needs to be under /static directory. As in:

  'name': 'Some Module Name',
  'icon': "/{my_module_name}/static/img/some_icon.png",

The path is like this because it will be used as the value of <img>'s src= attribute.

<img class="oe_module_icon" src="/{my_module_name}/static/img/some_icon.png">