I'm using Ext.NET with VS2008, ASP.NET. I have a unique problem for which I have not been able to find any solution.
There is a GridPanel and in the TopBar there is a delete button. The Grid uses RowSelection Model. after selecting the row the user clicks the Delete button. a client side event is raised for confirmation following is the code snippet
<ext:Button ID="btnDelete" runat="server" Text="Delete" Icon="Delete">
<Click OnEvent="Evt_Delete">
<ext:Parameter Name="recordId" Value="(#{grdSanction}).selModel.getSelected().data.VoucherID" Mode="Raw" />
<Confirmation Message="Do you really want to delete sanction?" ConfirmRequest="true"/>
But the problem is that I after clicking yes I get the following message basically a 500 Internal Server Error.
Below is what I find in Fiddler:
Result Protocol Host URL Body Caching Content-Type Process Comments Custom
1 500 HTTP onyx /pages/sanction.aspx?_dc=1337773867270 4,268 private text/html; charset=utf-8 chrome:920
Debugger of VS2008 does not work because the event on the code behind is never raised. other buttons on the toolbar work just fine. Does anyone know what am I missing here?