I have two abstract classes which will hold references to each other.How / can I type bound the type members so as the types of HexT in the SideT members of the derived Hex classes will always be the derived Hex class? so for a derived class HexA it is guaranteed that: HexA#SideT#HexT = HexA
And similarly that the types of SideT in the HexT members of all the derived Side classes will be the derived Side Class: SideB#HexT#SideT = SideB
I'm using Scala for Eclipse 2.1.0.M1 with Eclipse 3.7.2 All Classes are in separate files. The following compiles OK but doesn't guarantee what I want:
abstract class Hex { type SideT <: Side {type HexT <= Hex } }
abstract class Side { type HexT <: Hex {type SideT <= side } }
class HexC() extends Hex() { type SideT = SideC }
class SideC extends Side { type HexT = HexC }
But the following won't compile in the derived implementations:
abstract class Hex{type SideT <: Side {type HexT = this.type}}
abstract class Side{type HexT <: Hex {type SideT = this.type}}
class HexC() extends Hex(){
type SideT = SideC //This won't compile
class SideC extends Side {
type HexT = HexC //this won't compile
Is this correct? Should this compile?