
I need to include a new jar to the aosp apart from the jars which are already there so that when i build my rom this jar could be used.

Can anyone can tell where to keep the jar. I have kept it in out/target/common/obj/JAVA_Libraries but it is not in the build path.

So i guess i need to make in make changed in makefile or something such that the new jar is included in the build path. Can anyone help on this.

Did you figure it out by any chance?Giuseppe

1 Answers


You should modify the setup-makefile.sh script of your device.

Use the PRODUCT_COPY_FILES directive.

Take a look at this file as an example: cyanogenmod@github:android_device_htc_passion

-- EDIT --

Maybe you can even use the PRODUCT_COPY_FILES in build/target/product/core.mk, but I'm not sure of that.