
I know there are a few questions pitting Sencha Touch 2 against Phonegap, and that is not what I mean to do here. I have been planning to build my Webapp using Sencha Touch 2 and wrapping it in Phonegap; but I just found out that Sencha Touch 2 also all allows you to build a native version of your web-app for Android and ios using there command line tool. Why haven't I heard much about this solution? What are the limitations with doing this? And what is better, using Sencha Touch 2's native build feature or going the Sencha Touch 2 + Phonegap route?


1 Answers


I'm guessing that Sencha Touch 2 native packaging will still be using UIWebViews (like PhoneGap) so the performance will be similar. Personally I would stick with PhoneGap/Cordova as it's a more mature product with a larger user base. You can still use the Sencha Touch 2 framework but still bundle/publish the app with xcode.