I am developing a web app using SlickGrid.
Our application has many grids in different tabs/pages and for that reason I am wondering if I can refactor some code so that I am not writing the same functions over and over for seperate grids.
An example: I need a custom Formatter since we have multiple tree grids (the formatter to implement the tree structure is identical for each grid.): function PercentCompleteFormatter(row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext)
Given that I cannot pass the grid or a dataview as an arguement (assuming the signature above must be used for all custom formatter.), I basically have to have the same formatter code inside each code block where I am creating the grid.
Is there a way I can create one "generic" formatter and apply it to ALL grids?
The same question applies to things like sorting, filtering, etc... but I hope the above explaination covers what I'm trying to ask.