I have recently bought an Arduino Uno, which is basically an atMega328 avr processor with all the details such as I/O and connection to the computer taking care of for you.
I have successfully written code using the Arduino IDE and the avr-gcc collection.However, I would like to write pure assembly code for it, and I have hit a dead-end, since there seems to be close to none documentation on that.That is, I would like to write 'pure' assembly, no inline c assembly and the like.I would like instructions on doing so and, if possible, an example program(the assembly output of gcc-avr was not that helpful, being incomprehensible and all ).
In particular:
- How can one instruct avr-as to put that code in eg the interrupt vectors ?
- What directives are available?
- Where do .data and .bss sections go?
Pointing me to appropriate examples is appreciated.