My MDX-query retrieves about 10 columns names (one is actually the key EVENT_ID - to be used in the report for linking purpose and drilldown behavour) + a time measure (time losses per day in our factory) + a budget measure.
Since I have all these columns, I will not be able to "Include empty cells" -> results in miljons of rows.
I am presenting the time losses in a column chart + evaluating a moving avereage line (from code behind, quite complex..) + presenting a budget line. I have put, using subreports, a series of charts in an top-down layout, only chart-series are changed using parameters, so I wish all charts to look the same (same start- and ending point on the x-axis) when scolling though them, only the series group will be changed -> comparisation will be easy.
My problem is,
Since the MDX-query is only reporting days where we actually have time losses,
I will not be able to avaluate a moving avereage value for days occuring after the last day in the dataset.
I am not be able to show a budget value for days occuring after the last day in the dataset.
This results in a very unpleasent layout or the subreports, where some charts has values the last month/day and does not...
Please, has anyone solved any similar problem? I have eaven tried solving this using the Lookup-function between an other DataSet holding all dates, but the use of seriesGroups makes it kind of unuseable.
Added info:
Look at image below
da*n I only have 6 point, need 10 to post images :/
The thin line evaluates a gliding average ok, but I am not able to populate a value after mar since my dataset does not have values after mars.
The image should show a column chart Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May. I have values and a gliding average evaluated only for Feb, Mar -> the gliding average will not show after Mar. I would like it to be evaluated also Apr and May. The gliding avereage is evaluated from code-behind:
iif(DateValue(Fields!Date.Value)>=DateValue(First(Fields!Date.Value, "TimeData"))
,DateValue(Min(Fields!Date.Value, "TimeData"))
,DateValue(Max(Fields!Date.Value, "TimeData"))
But this code is not executed for "empty" Dates...
I see two options:
- Change the mdx query to give me 0-values for all periods (include empty cells?)
- Or somehow in SSRS able to populate values for time-periods not existing in the dataset
If I go for option 1, I need to reduce the field-count in my query (current 10 is not ok), but since one of the report-parameters is actually mapped to 5 of these fields (abillity to change group-by behavour) I need to make the query dynamic, evaluated fron concatenated strings which results in no abillity to use the query designer ever after...
Thats why I was aiming for option 2. But I have started to understand option 1 is the only was to go...